

Mission & vision

“We are excellent in everything we do.”

“Our goal is to be the market leader in our business fields.”

Values & philosophy

Values are guidelines that guide our behaviour.
Values provide myonic with guidance for shaping a responsible corporate culture.

A “valuable” job gives meaning. It motivates and unleashes existing strengths.

Values and earning money are not opposites. Companies with values are more successful in the long term!

Values give direction to every individual. They convey a sense of belonging and lead to identification with myonic.

Our value diamond

On the following 7 icons you will find information about our value diamond.


“Accept your tasks, identify with them and solve them under your own responsibility.”

Willingness to perform

“Don’t ask what myonic can do for you, ask what you can do for myonic!”


“Act entrepreneurially, as if you were building your own house!”


“Diversity of opinion enriches – use it!”


“Remember: trust is based on honesty, fairness and openness!”


“Every day without a smile is a day lost!”

Willingness to change

“It’s not the big that eat the small, but the fast that eat the slow.”

Guiding principle

In order to fulfil the responsibilities arising from our corporate policy, we rely on and are committed to an integrated management system (IMS), which combines all topics and areas of quality management, environmental protection, occupational health and safety and the corresponding operational contexts.

The company, its employees, service providers and suppliers are obliged to consistently comply with all relevant legal requirements, regulations and standards.

The integrated management system is designed to ensure and continuously develop the overall quality level of the company.

We review the efficiency of our measures and the achievement of our targets on a regular basis. We monitor the impact of our activities and are regularly monitored by independent third parties.

We have analysed the context of our company and defined the resulting requirements for the type and complexity of our integrated management system.

Customer orientation

 All business areas are geared towards the wishes, needs and expectations of our customers. We are always looking for optimal solutions for our global customers and their complex requirements in order to maximise our contribution to their success.

Environmentally relevant aspects are already taken into account during product development. We develop products for our customers that are largely made from materials and substances that conserve resources and can be reused or recycled.

Employee orientation

Qualified and motivated employees make a significant contribution to the company’s success. Involving employees in processes and in quality, environmental and health and safety work is an essential part of our corporate management and personnel policy.

By demanding and promoting the personal responsibility and development of each individual, we strengthen employee satisfaction, reliability and continuity. Being perceived as an attractive employer with an employee-orientated corporate culture is one of our most important long-term goals.

The entire IMS documentation is available internally to all employees on the myonic intranet, while the company policy is published on the myonic website for the general public.

Occupational health and safety

Health is regarded as a valuable asset worthy of protection. Health and well-being are the basis for the performance and motivation of all employees. We ensure the necessary awareness within the company through regular training on occupational safety and active health management.

Environmental protection

The myonic group is committed to the Paris climate protection agreement to limit global warming to below 2° or 1.5°C. Measures to reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions are constantly being planned and implemented with the aim of making production CO₂-neutral from 2030.

This is done taking into account the economically justifiable use of the best available technology. Life cycle analyses and product innovations help us and our customers to improve their carbon footprint. We use resources responsibly and efficiently and aim to reduce our environmental impact. This includes a holistic view of the company’s existing processes.

Procedures for avoiding or reducing environmental pollution are prioritised and procedures for emergencies are defined.
Where avoidance is not possible, the resources used should be minimised.

Supplier orientation

We expect suppliers and service providers to commit to the same values.

Social responsibility

The quality of life at our locations is extremely important to us. We therefore support groups and associations that enrich social life through various partnerships. We are therefore happy to play an active role in the positive development of our region.


To make our daily work more effective, we use the opportunities that technology offers us in terms of digitalisation and automation.

Our goal is the paperless factory, in which monotonous, repeatable processes – in production as well as in administration – are automated.

State-of-the-art software and production technology, supplemented by robotics that replace manual labour, form the basis for this.

myonic New Work

A good working atmosphere requires focus on the employee. Therefore, we cultivate a culture of trust and fairness.

We open up spaces for new agile approaches in the modern working world and focus on flexibilisation of working hours and mobile offices.

You can also read the following news article:

New Work Office

Desk sharing, mobile working, work-life-balance – these are key words which are more and more evident in our daily life.  Mobile office has meanwhile become a fixed part for the employees in administration and cannot be disposed of in working life.
The progress in networking and digitalization also demands an adapted working world at myonic. Within the last year the first open-plan office was adapted to the hybrid and modern way of working within a pilot scheme. The new work office entails newly structured work places, the so-called desk sharing. Work places are no longer assigned to a certain person which also means that at any time a certain part of the employees work in mobile office as there are more employees than adequate desks.

Developing the new office with a project work
The target of the project was to design an innovative and sustainable working world on 380 m² for around 45 employees. Based on a 60 % average rate of presence, modern, attractive work places and smart working offers within a hybrid working scheme are to be created.  The project started with a feasibility study which was realized with the support of the company  Staehlin from Kempten and the management of myonic. As early as in the second phase the colleagues concerned were integrated into the planning.  Over a period of several months the experts for office planning developed the concept for the new open-plan office in close cooperation  and numerous detail discussions together with our employees. The company Uli Schuh from Ravensburg supported us in designing the work café.

Division into different work areas
The new work office consists of different areas. The largest part consists of the standard work places, which can be booked via a special software. Furthermore, there is the medium focus area which comprises most of the working places and the high focus area also called area for silent work which is situated apart from the other areas. For quick work on the laptop „touchdown places“ are available. For web conferences and intimate discussions two „cubes“ offering space for 4 people, and two  „phone boxes“ for one person each, are available. The heart of the new work office is the Work Café with its cosy lounges. This safe space shall offer space for communication and recovery. Moreover a larger meeting room was created – the so-called „project bay“. This room offers space for team and project work . However, it can also be used as a temporary work place. In planning the new work places the smallest details were taken into account, e.g. large green areas considerably increase the well-being.

New work office – more than only a modification of space
This sustainable design improves the communication among colleagues as well as interdisciplinary and among the departments. The decentralized way of working offers a possibility of leaving behind old routines, thinking of new ways of work and forms of organization and thus of being well prepared for the challenges of the future. The loss of fixed work places promotes the personal exchange and the direct flow of information between the different teams.  This offers a chance to look beyond one’s own daily work and to be inspired by the expertise, prospectives, knowledge and experience of other areas. In view of the green transformation, the almost paperless office is also one step further in reaching our goal.

Positive feedback from the departments concerned
Reactions among our employees are predominantly positive or even exclusively positive. It is much appreciated that most of the wishes and suggestions of the workshop were integrated into the office concept. The colleagues therefore feel at ease. The excellent technical equipment as well as the given flexibility and the possibility for self-organization is praized. Others appreciate the changing colleagues in the direct environment and a clean and tidy desk every morning.

myonic goes green

The topic of sustainable behaviour and climate protection is more pressing than ever before. That is why we want to give sustainability, health and social issues a platform at myonic in order to fulfil our social responsibility.

Together with our employees, we are embarking on a journey – myonic goes green.

By implementing a sustainability strategy, our aim is to make our corporate actions in terms of climate and environmental protection transparent and verifiable. We are working towards achieving carbon neutrality by 2030 with energy-efficient manufacturing processes, the use of renewable energies and production in the heart of Europe, among other things.

You can also read the following news article:

myonic relies on regional district heating!

myonic has decided to supply both buildings with ecological district heating from Kraftwärmeanlagen GmbH and the City of Leutkirch. It is expected to be available for the Steinbeißstraße factory site from autumn 2024.
myonic is committed to the Paris Climate Agreement and contributes significantly to climate protection by switching to regional and renewable district heating, bringing them closer to their goal of climate neutrality by 2023.

This transition involves converting the heat, previously generated entirely from fossil natural gas, to district heating consisting of over 90% renewable energy sources. This results in an annual reduction of approximately 290 tons of CO2 emissions.

At the end of April 2024, the connection contract between Kraftwärmeanlagen GmbH (KWA) and myonic was signed. The new heating network, currently under construction, is being built by the City of Leutkirch and will be leased to KWA for operation.

Most Economical Path to Climate Neutrality

“We aim to underline not only our regional responsibility for climate protection through the connection to district heating but also improve our operational security. Connecting to the district heating network from Leutkirch is the most economical path to climate neutrality for us,” says myonic Managing Director Christoph von Appen.

For our manufacturing processes, we require a constant temperature level in the production halls. “We can reliably ensure this through a multi-stage heat generation concept, consisting of regional wood heat and two locally-based agricultural biogas plants in Leutkirch. Industrial waste heat from wood manufacturer Pfleiderer complements the heat generation,” reports Jürgen Gölz, Managing Director of KWA.

Fossil natural gas heat is only used for the temporary failure of renewable heat generators and peak loads during very cold hours in winter. A buffer storage tank with a capacity of 6 million liters of district heating water ensures the secure supply of Leutkirch’s heat customers.

“We are very pleased that myonic, a major Leutkirch-based company, has decided to connect to the municipal heating network,” says Mayor Hans-Jörg Henle. “In addition to excellent supply security, this represents regional and even local value creation. The energy for the heating network is generated locally, benefiting regional companies and farmers, rather than in the Middle East or Russia,” Henle continues.

Greenhouse Gas Balance myonic

As part of the “Climate-Neutral Allgäu” climate alliance, we continue to pursue the goal of climate neutrality by 2030. This also includes the annual preparation of a greenhouse gas balance.

In the 2023/24 fiscal year, greenhouse gas emissions amounted to 988 tons of CO2, which is 278 tons of CO2 (or 22%) lower than the previous year. This corresponds to approximately 1.8 tons of CO2 equivalents per employee (previous year: 2.3 tons CO2, base year 2020/2021: 2.5 tons CO2).

The significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions is primarily attributable to:

► Increased procurement of green electricity compared to the previous year

► Utilization of waste heat from compressors

► Positive impact of renovation measures

► Increased efficiency of the air conditioning system

► Mild winter

Major Emission Factor: Commuter Mobility
The greenhouse gas emissions caused by commuter mobility are identical to those reported in the last survey at the end of 2021. The medium- and long-term reduction of these emissions poses a significant challenge for the company.

Compensation through Climate Certificates
To achieve climate neutrality by 2030, an annual reduction in emissions by 11% is necessary. Emissions exceeding the target value will be compensated by purchasing climate certificates. For the 2023/24 fiscal year, this means compensating 142 tons of CO2. myonic has chosen to support the “Clean Water in Uganda” project.

Climate Certificate “Clean Water in Uganda”
The main goal of this climate protection program is to supply poorer households and institutions, such as schools in Uganda, with new technologies to purify drinking water. The resulting reduced consumption of non-renewable firewood and charcoal decreases CO2 emissions and positively impacts the living conditions and health of thousands of people. Additionally, natural forest ecosystems are protected and preserved.

Climate Certificate “Clean Water in Uganda”
40% of the compensation payment goes to environmental protection projects in the region, aiming to raise awareness of biodiversity, species diversity, environmental and climate protection, as well as the appreciation of regional food. Current projects in the Allgäu Climate Fund include reforestation projects, bee barns, flowering meadows, and a mountain forest project.

Outlook for the 2024/25 Fiscal Year
Further reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 11% means that the target for the 2024/25 fiscal year is 704 tons of CO2. By connecting to the district heating network of the city of Leutkirch, we can avoid an additional 90% of heating-related emissions (Scope 1) in the upcoming heating season of 2024/2025, bringing us significantly closer to achieving climate neutrality by 2030.

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