myonic KIDS: Digital Vacation Offer
Is there anything better than exploring the world together with children? During the Easter vacations the kids of our employees could explore many exciting scientific phenomena of daily life at the digital vacation program WELTENTDECKER@HOME of the “Bildungswerk der Baden-Württembergischen Wirtschaft e. V.” (a registered institution of the economy) during four days.
Two experienced educators of the family service of this educational institution supported the primary school kids in front of their computers at home in the virtual class room all morning. They made many experiments, quizzes, interactive competitions, e.g. concerning the topic sustainability.
Before the digital event the families got an „explorer box“ with different material in order to actively explore the following modules in small groups:
■ Now it’s getting wet! The phenomenon water
■ Sometimes in a loud voice and sometimes in a low voice – we explore sounds and noises
■ What’s bubbling there? We explore the chemistry of daily life by means of sparkling water
■ Aiming high! We awake our inventive genius during building and designing.
The feedback of the seven kids and their parents was excellent – despite the Corona pandemic this form of event – owing to the situation – offered fun, an educational purpose and social interaction!.
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