myonic Kids Day 2023
On Thursday, January 5th, 2023, our highly anticipated Kids Day took place for the fourth time! This year, the event was themed “myonic Kids on a Discovery Journey” and, as always, was quickly fully booked.
The children were welcomed by our HR Director Sonja Westerhof, followed by information from our Training Manager Bernd Koslowski and Julia Riedle, who is responsible for the myonic Kids program.
In collaboration with the BIWE Family Service, 44 employees’ children aged 4 to 13 spent a morning exploring four stations with simple materials related to STEM subjects and exciting everyday phenomena (STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).
The focus was on combining educational value and social interaction with lots of fun!
At the “M” (Mathematics) station, set up in our new work café, the children demonstrated their math skills and logical thinking with dice games, a feel box, a magic top, and matchstick puzzles, as well as crafts.
At the “I” (Informatics) station in the open area of our production building, the children raced small robots and Ozobots, programmed them themselves, and worked on a sorting network puzzle until they reached the goal.
The “N” (Natural Sciences) station, located in our cafeteria, featured fascinating phenomena using everyday objects. For example, with a few tricks, the children were able to create a lava lamp.
At the fourth station, “T” (Technology), set up in our training workshop, the kids turned and assembled a workpiece in the shape of a mini TV tower. There were also balloon rocket and paper airplane competitions.
Of course, each child received a stamp in their explorer’s passport after completing each station and, at the end of the day, earned an explorer’s diploma.
The day was a great success for both young and old!
A special thank you to our trainees for their hard work and dedication!
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